Daily "Cost & Time" Data


I collected my 6 days of cost and time data in thanksgiving, which represent what time and how much money I cost daily in thanksgiving. My family used to complain me that I did not manage my money well, so I wanted to collect these data for mentioning myself to manage my money well in daily. :)


Design Process

My inspiration was from my family members' complaining, which they complained me about managing money well, so I started collecting my data about cost and time daily in thanksgiving. I started from Nov 25th until Nov 30th, where I traveled to Beijing to visit my Parsons friends. In the code, first, I loaded the JSON data file, and font from dafont.com, which I wanted to change the default font into my favorite one. Then I separated a sentence into 3 parts, which is "daily", "cost&time", "data" and put them into an array. Then I used setTimeout() and setInterval to show the separated sentence in 3 seconds and put them to the left bottom corner of the canvas. Also, I used random() function to define the font size, because I want to make it diversity and flexible when people review this data. Next, I used ellipses to represent time and rectangle represented cost as the data visualization. As you can see on the screen, the cost data, time data and the title are animated. This idea came from the Japanese manga, which there is a feeling that the seal is loose. That represents my pocket are atrracteing me to buy something, but as I mentioned above, my family members complained me about my skills of manging money. Therefore, I was trying to make an effect that I was controlling myself not to buy something unnecessary.


In this project, I actually deleted 2 "cost" data from the list, because the values of the data are large, which it is out of range in the canvas, so I have to delete these 2 data. These 2 "cost" data are the booking hotel cost and flight ticket cost. Based on our canvas size is 600*600, which means the range of my data has to be smaller than 600, so I deleted these 2 set of data, but I will post here.